Support From Employers, Colleagues, and Worker’s Compensation Boards – Carrie 2


Carrie 2 appreciates the fact that her colleagues offered very specific forms of support.


These are all highly accomplished busy people and they were the ones that, when I kept saying, “OK. Can someone cover this call for me?” They just gathered and said, “No. You’re off the call schedule.” And they have been remarkable at being specific. It’s something I really learned. A lot of people said, “I’ll help however you want.” But then I had two partners who said very specifically, “I will open up X-number of spots for you on this number of days per week, to help you with your practice.” And I was like, “Oh wow. Yes, that’s the kind of thing you need to do when people need help.” Because it’s so hard to ask, so when people say, “Oh, I’ll help you,” I don’t really know what to say but when people offered, “I will cover your weekend. I will open this many spots,” being very specific was pretty amazing.

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